Cookie Policy

Cookie Policy


We use cookies, to improve your experience.

 What is a cookie?

 A cookie is a small amount of data that is placed in the browser of your computer or on your mobile device. So-called “first party cookies” (not as much fun as they sound) are cookies which are served by the entity operating the domain through which the cookie is served. SmartTurkeyTours.Com’s own cookies are therefore “first party cookies”. In case we allow others to service cookies through the SmartTurkeyTours.Com websites and apps, these cookies are so-called “third party cookies”.

 In addition, there is a difference between session cookies and permanent cookies. Session cookies will only exist until you close your browser. Permanent cookies have a longer lifespan and are not automatically deleted once you close your browser. We strive to serve cookies or allow the serving of cookies with a maximum lifespan of 5 years. Only in exceptional circumstances, such as for security purposes and where absolutely necessary, will a cookie have a longer lifespan than that.

 Next to cookies, other tracking technologies are used which are similar to cookies. These can include web beacons (also known as pixel tags, web bugs or gifs), tracking URLs or software development kits (SDKs). A web beacon is a tiny graphic image of just one pixel that can be delivered to your computer as part of a web page request, in an app, in an advertisement or in an HTML email message. Pixels can be used to retrieve information from your device, such as your device type or operating system, IP address, and time of visit. They are also used to serve and read cookies in your browser. Tracking URLs are used to understand from which referring website the SmartTurkeyTours.Com websites or apps are used. SDKs are small pieces of code included in apps, which function like cookies and web beacons.

 All these technologies are together referred to in this Cookie Statement as “cookies”.

 How are cookies used?

 Cookies are used for different purposes. They allow you to be recognised as the same user across the pages of a website, between websites or when you use an app. The types of information that we collect through cookies include IP address; device ID; viewed pages; browser type; browsing information; operating system; internet service provider; timestamp; whether you have responded to an advertisement; the referring URL; and features used or activities engaged in within the website/apps.

 Our website and apps use cookies for different purposes:

 Technical cookies: We try to give our visitors an advanced, user-friendly website and apps that adapt automatically to their needs and wishes. To achieve this, we use technical cookies to show you our website, to make them function correctly, to create your user account, to sign you in and to manage your bookings. These technical cookies are absolutely necessary for our website to function properly.

 Functional cookies: We also use functional cookies to remember your preferences and to help you to use our website and apps efficiently and effectively. If you are using the SmartTurkeyTours.Com websites or apps to search for a Trip, for example, these cookies remember your preferred currency, language, your searches and your previously viewed Trip Providers. We may also use cookies to remember your registration information so that you don’t have to retype your login credentials each time you visit our site. Passwords will, however, always be encrypted. These functional cookies are not strictly necessary for the functioning of our website or apps, but they add functionality and enhance your SmartTurkeyTours.Com experience.

 Analytics cookies: We use these cookies to gain insight into how our visitors use SmartTurkeyTours.Com . This means we can find out what works and what doesn't, optimize and improve our websites or apps, understand the effectiveness of advertisements and communications, and ensure we continue to be interesting and relevant. The data we gather can include which web pages you have viewed, which referring/exit pages you have entered and left from, which platform type you have used, which emails you have opened and acted upon, and date and time stamp information.

 It also means we can use details about how you’ve interacted with the site, such as the number of clicks you make on a given page, your mouse movements and scrolling activity, the search words you use and the text you enter into various fields. We make use of analytics cookies as part of our online advertising campaigns to learn how users interact with our website or apps after they have been shown an online advertisement. This may include advertisements on third-party websites. Analytics cookies may also be used to enable our business partners to learn if their customers make use of accommodation offers integrated into their websites.

 Commercial cookies: We use third-party cookies such as Google Analytics, Rakuten Advertising, Matomo as well as our own to display personalized advertisements on our websites and on other websites. This is called “retargeting,” and it is based on browsing activities, such as the destinations you have been searching for, the accommodation you have viewed and the prices you have been shown.

 What are your choices?

 To learn more about cookies and how to manage or delete them, simply visit and the help section of your browser. In the settings for browsers such as Internet Explorer, Safari, Firefox or Chrome, you can set which cookies to accept and which to reject. Where you find these settings depends on which browser you use. Use the "Help" function in your browser to locate the settings you need.

 If you choose not to accept certain technical and/or functional cookies, you may not be able to use some functions on our website. We currently do not support “Do Not Track” browser settings. In case a common standard has been developed which defines what exactly is meant by “Do Not Track” browser signals, we will review this Cookie Statement again.

 Advertising. When it comes to online advertising and marketing companies, we strive to work with companies that are members of the Network Advertising Initiative (NAI) and/or the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB). Members of NAI and IAB adhere to industry standards and codes of conduct. NAI and IAB members allow you to opt out of behavioural advertising. Visit to identify the NAI members that may have placed an advertising cookie file on your computer.

 To opt out of an NAI member's behavioural advertising program, simply check the box that corresponds to the company from which you wish to opt out. You may also want to visit or to learn how to opt out of customized advertisement. Your mobile device may allow you to limit the sharing of information for retargeting purposes through its settings. Please be aware that opting out of an online advertising network does not mean that you will no longer receive or be subject to online advertising or marketing analysis. It means that the network from which you opted out will no longer deliver ads tailored to your web preferences and browsing patterns.

 Analytics. In order to control the collection of data for analytical purposes through Google Analytics from certain browser types, you may want to visit the following link: Google Analytics Opt-out Browser Add-on (only for desktop).

 If you have any questions about this Cookie Statement, please send an email to info@ SmartTurkeyTours.Com. Our Cookie Statement may also be amended from time to time. So visit this page regularly to keep abreast of updates.


You can obtain all the detailed information about our tours in our Special Customer Service.

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